■Evergreen Recordは、マレーシア・クアラルンプール在住のシンガーソングライター、キモトシゲルのブログです。キモトシゲルが代表を務めるオリジナルのRock/Popバンド Story や、ソロ活動のライブ情報、ライブレポート、音源、動画の紹介にくわえ、日々の出来事を記載しています。

■The “Evergreen Record” is a personal label that is supervised by Kimo (Shigeru Kimoto) who is a singer song writer at Hamamatsu-city in Japan.
This site is like a personal blog of Kimo, and posted his original music by his band “Story”, his musical activities as a Singer & Song writer, and report about “Utayoru TV” which is Internet TV program that Kimo is producing.